
Visit us

Visit us to discuss with us how we can be of help to your organization

Jim Okhai & Co.
(Chartered Accountants)
Plot 17A, Bishop Aboyade Cole Street,
Victoria Island Lagos.

Plot 127, Trans Amadi Industrial Layout, (Opposite Halliburton) P.O. Box 6410,
Port Harcourt.

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Send us an email to let us know how we may assist your organization.

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Our Three Underlying Principles

Our expertise, experience, and the energy of our staff, ensures each client receives close personal and professional attention. We make sure every client is served by the expertise of our whole firm.

Companies choose our firm to rely on competent advice from our fast and accurate personnel. We provide total financial services to individuals, large and small businesses, and other agencies.

An accounting firm is known for the quality of its service. Our firm’s reputation reflects the high standards we demand of ourselves.